Google’s Account Stupidity On Android (a RANT)
Note: This is a rant. ... Google allows to reset an account password with nothing else than an Android phone. ... they call a Token, which a random string generated via an app that can be downloaded for Android and iOS.. Its very disturbing for me as a google user and an android phone ... I don't mind that obviously google can close your account if it feels you are ... the way of you continuing to rant as a previous field tech get in the way of ... This is an example of Artificial Stupidity; what we get when the pipe dream of AI fails.. Google is using pop-up ads on YouTube to push its Premium ... of these services to the point where I'm left swearing at my phone like an idiot,.... devRant on iOS & Android lets you do all the things like ++ or -- rants, post your own rants and comment on others' rants. ... Also noticed that someone attempted to change my Gmail account. ... If they were stupid enough not to change accounts, just go on Google Timeline and see where ... But since Google has infested my Android with text to speech I seem to ... Bye-bye freaks I'm just here ranting about how bad Google sucks it's.... Google's chief security engineer for Android, Adrian Ludwig, claims that most ... level of smugness as DiBona's epic rant on Google+, but he still points the finger ... It is determined by an algorithm that takes into account the number of people ... But Anti-Virus doesn't protect against dumb bass phishers and.... Apple chief executive uses earnings call to hit out at Google's ... "Google loves to characterize Android as open, and iOS and iPhone as closed ... We don't let it burn a hole in our pocket, we don't allow it to motivate us to do stupid acquisitions. ... Sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion.
I dont want a bloody new second account, I want to upload a video with my old account... and I thought Android/Google would not get as stupid.... Today at Google I/O 2018, Google announced several new Android P ... the action takes into account the search parameter and will be able to.... Why Kotlin Is Better Than Whatever Dumb Language You're Using ... But then, if you've done any Android programming at all, you'll know that ... Another reason I sort of need Wyvern accounts is that Facebook, Google and.... Dig into Google's account dashboard to see what the company knows about you. ... individual Google serviceGmail, Google Drive, Android phones, ... passwords still requires you to enter them, which seems pretty dumb.. Google will use your mobile phone number for verification if you lose access to your account. Some people don't want to provide that.... 2-Step Verification provides stronger security for your Google Account by requiring ... Authenticator works with many providers & accounts * Support for Android ... Now I'm logged out of a site I need to access and can't because this stupid app.. We're all just designing the same stupid shit for the iphone again and again. ... Android is an ad delivery platform, so Google will do what it takes to make ... without going to the Play store or even tying them to a Google account. ... are often at a premium. rant on. There's no gain in convenience that could.... Already have an account? ... What will follow in the days to come is a nearly endless rant of things that suck about Android. ... that will never come (where Google finally crafts a modern mobile OS and framework) ... Only one of them, stupid, depending on the context in which you are trying to obtain Context .. ... do like this toolbar. But the reviews are still filled with angry rants: ... Filed Under: android, bloatware, phones. Companies: ... I think it might be a Google account first, and then a Samsung account second. You have to have a.... r/rant: The redesign is bad, dont use it. ... that you keep on Android users. I have two Google accounts, one is personal and one is for work. ... All I wanted was to watch a stupid video on Youtube. I shouldn't ... I generally only use Android apps.. While Chrome will now log into your Google account without your consent ... I think this objection is silly both on moral grounds just because you're ... dollars adding additional tracking features to both Chrome and Android.
The latest AMP messages in Google Search Console are intended to enforce full equivalency in AMP versions. ... Ditch your Android phone.. I'm sick of having to create dialogs that look like the stupid ones from ios ... rant ios development ranting android dev android ... I've recently red a blog post stating 'Google leaves x Million Android devices vulnerable to a new Exploit' ... you need a developer account to sign the app for testing purposes on MY OWN DEVICE. 1adaebbc7c
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